30.5.2008 | 10:35
Bob Dylan í Laugardalshöll 26.maí 2008
Langar til ađ bćta ţessu viđ umrćđuna
Hér kemur grein eftir erlendan gest sem var á Dylan tónleikunumí Höllini.
Reykjavik, Iceland
May 26, 2008
Review by Steinar Daler
I have never won the big lottery, but this consert was something like it.
I just happened to be in Reykjavik in connection with my work while Bob is
her. Travells and hotel paid. I only paid for the ticket. I have never
seen so few familiar faces on a Dylan consert before, but at least a
couple - one of them a taper, if you wonder. And yes, I very much want to
hear that recording. Last time I saw Bob was the 3 conserts in Dallas in
February, three great concerts and I'm happy to say that Bob kept up the
same standard today, if not even better, and the band were in top form as
well. Bob wore a dark grey hat today that I have not seen before - same
kind as the white one he has used most recently. Stuck inside of Mobile
was a good starter and Bob was defenitely on. A really beautiful Don't
think twice followed and Bob's vocal was outstanding. The Levee's gonna
break was another highlight. top vocal and more SWING than usual. I'm not
sure about the arrangement for Trying To Get To Heaven, Bob stretches the
words too much. But nice to hear a not too much played song. Rollin And
Thumlin' was good as usual, with grat slideguitar playing by Denny. Nettie
Moore is just wonderful, and Bob is back to the arrangement with the great
dynamic change beetween the verses and the choir. Next up was my highlight
of the evening; best version I have everheard of I'll beyour baby tonight.
Bob and the band were for sure satisfied too. Lots of smiles, not at least
from Bob himself. Bob ended with great harmonica playing. Honest with me
was nothing special - as usual, but the next song; Workingman's blues was
another delight. Bob is so in to that song and Dennys guitarplaying is
outstanding. Highway 61 as usual, and a crowdpleaser as usual as well.
Spirit on the water also worked very well today. It was interesting to see
Bob almost wondering if he would get any response to the "I'm over the
hill"-line, here on Iceland - but he soon found out that the audience here
have taken notice of that line here as everywhere else. It's allright ma
was another strong performance. George's drumming tonight made the rythm
of the song even stronger than usual. Nice sologuitar from Denny on When
the deal goes down. Some times Denny just shines. On Summer days the whole
band were shining. Smiles all over and a more lively Bob playing his
keyboards and giving small gestures with his hands and body better than
most times I have seen him, and at least on this song that we often feel
is overplayed. To night it was next to I'll be your baby tonight the
highlight of the show. Bob looked proud at the end of Summer days. A great
verson of Ballad of a thin man ended the show before the two anchors
Thunder on the mountain and Blowing in the wind. Maybe not a too
interesting setlist but it does not matter when Bob's 100% on all the way,
and his cowboy band are riding so close to the great horseman in front.
You got something to look foreward to Europe!
Steinar Daler
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18.5.2008 | 15:09
Bob Dylan 17/5 2008 Lewiston, Maine - Androscoggin Bank Colisée
Bob Dylan á tónleikum í gćr 17.maí.
Flottur lagalisti og mjög jákvćđ umfjöllun.
Styttist í ţađ ađ hann spili hér ásamt hljómsveit.
Lewiston, Maine
Androscoggin Bank Colisée
May 17, 2008
1. | Watching The River Flow (Bob on keyboard and harp, Donnie on lap steel) |
2. | Lay, Lady, Lay (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
3. | The Levee's Gonna Break (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin, Stu on acoustic guitar, Tony on standup bass) |
4. | Shelter From The Storm (Bob on keyboard and harp, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
5. | Rollin' And Tumblin' (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
6. | The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (Bob on keyboard) |
7. | Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel) |
8. | Mississippi (Bob on keyboard and harp, Donnie on electric mandolin, Stu on acoutic guitar) |
9. | Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap steel ) |
10. | Workingman's Blues #2 (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
11. | It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on banjo, Tony on standup bass) |
12. | Spirit On The Water (Bob on keyboard and harp, Donnie on pedal steel, Tony on standup bass) |
13. | Ballad Of Hollis Brown (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on banjo, Denny and Stu on acoustic guitars, Tony on standup bass) |
14. | Summer Days (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel, Tony on standup bass) |
15. | Ain't Talkin' (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on viola, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
(encore) | |
16. | Thunder On The Mountain (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap steel, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
17. | Blowin' In The Wind (Bob on keyboard and harp, Donnie on violin, Stu on acoustic guitar) |
Waiting in line at 6:15 p.m., bright sun and 58 degees. It was forecast to
be pouring rain, a day or so ago so we got real fortunate. Strong turn-out
for the great Bob Dylan. All reports said that the opening show of the tour in
Worcester, Massachusetts was pretty fantastic. I've never been disapointed
by Mr. Dylan, but i hope tonight is over the top. The man seems to love
Maine. With a lot of returns, the last one seven months ago in
Portland. Twenty minutes till show time, Great couple here be side from
Montreal, Lucas and Melissa. Big music fans, into the likes of Woody
Guthrie, Leadbelly, Wanda Jackson, to name a few and there only in their
mid-twenties. 7:43 they are out and rolling into Watching the River
Flow, while the crowd comes fully alive. All in black and the playing is
already outrageous!!! A whozzy, mellow, strong, beauitiful version of
Lay, Lady, Lay. Complete foot-stomping The Levee's Gonna Break. The men are
rocking out. Bob has smiled several quick ones since the first song, should
be a great night. The bard is fully into Shelter from the Storm. The band
hangs with Bob like no-ones business. Rollin and Tumblin, doing just
that. Lewiston, Maine is blessed tonight. The band is having a blast. The
Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll is direct and extremly well done. Tweedle
Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Bush, Cheny classic rocks into space. Mississippi a
very cool tune. The band is impeccable. A magnificant Highway 61
Revisited. Close your eyes and eat the dirt and the glory. A truly
beautiful rendition of Workingman's Blues #2. A haunting
It's Alright,Ma(I'm Only Bleeding). Where else would people,
teenagers, twenties, thirties, forties, fiftie, sixties and beyond, be
rocking together, in such harmony and so naturally? Bob Dylan knits the
generations together. Tap-dancing into Spirit on the Water, a marvel of
the 21st century. Ballad of Hollis Brown brings out the Gunsmoke in this
band and there is plenty of that in this highly magical group. Summer
Days rips into the dark night. The ultimate kick ass song of the night. A
gorgeous lilting Ain"t Talkin. A crystal clear voice,excellent musical
accompaniment. Calls for encore from the crowded house. 9:20 back with
Thunder on the Mountain. Rock and Roll all the way! Introducing this
fine, fine band. Tony Garnier on bass. Donnie Herron playing steel and a
bunch of instruments. George Recile on drums, Stu Kimball, rhythm
guitar, Denny Freeman, lead guitar, Bob Dylan on keyboards all night. A band
for the history books. Going out with Blowin" in the Wind. The whole place
is dancing. What a night.
Zoo Cain
South Portland,Maine
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21.3.2008 | 15:56
Dylan í Uruguay 20-3-08 (lagalisti)
Hlakka til ađ sjá hann aftur,er búinn ađ fara á tónleika međ honum fjórum sinnum.
Ţessi lög spilađi hann um daginn.
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Conrad Punta del Este Resort & Casino
March 20, 2008
1. | Cat's In The Well (Bob on electric guitar, Donnie on violin) |
2. | Lay, Lady, Lay (Bob on electric guitar) |
3. | Watching The River Flow (Bob on electric guitar) |
4. | Love Sick (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin) |
5. | Thunder On The Mountain (Bob on keyboard) |
6. | A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin) |
7. | High Water (For Charlie Patton) (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on banjo) |
8. | Girl Of The North Country (Bob on keyboard and harp) |
9. | Spirit On The Water (Bob on keyboard and harp) |
10. | Rollin' And Tumblin' (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin) |
11. | Just Like A Woman (Bob on keyboard) |
12. | Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on keyboard and harp) |
13. | When The Deal Goes Down (Bob on keyboard) |
14. | Summer Days (Bob on keyboard) |
15. | Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on keyboard) |
(encore) | |
16. | Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Bob on keyboard) |
17. | All Along The Watchtower (Bob on keyboard) |
![]() |
Miđasala á Dylan hefst 28. mars |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
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